The Keyword Research Pro will show you “affordable” keywords to focus on. But, after months of waiting, they end up getting frustrated, when they see their web rivals keeping their positions while noticing no improvement in their own site’s ranking. One of the most common errors made in organic search strategies, in fact, is targeting the most difficult keywords-those with the highest competition. Many choose to perfectly optimize their content with these types of search terms and hope that their website will rank higher in search results. and the keyword difficulty, which means how many competitors (in terms of other results) you’d have for that specific keyword.you’ll be able to analyze this data for both desktop and mobile index.the CPC (cost per click) for a paid advertising and ad copies for the queried term.all the related Phrase Match and Related keywords,.the average monthly volume of the search of any keyword ( long tail keywords and short tail),.The Keyword Research Pro provides you with quantitative keywords research, in which you can actually see: You would like to be sure that the people you want to work with will be able to find you, so you need to know if someone is searching for your services on Google….what would they type into the search bar. Get your Keyboard Research Pro right away by clicking on the button below